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Version: 0.13

How to write a gRPC SDK for GreptimeDB

A GreptimeDB gRPC SDK only needs to handle the writes. The reads are standard SQL and PromQL, can be handled by any JDBC client or Prometheus client. This is also why GreptimeDB gRPC SDKs are all named like "greptimedb-ingester-<language>". Please make sure your GreptimeDB SDK follow the same naming convention.

GreptimeDatabase Service

GreptimeDB defines a custom gRPC service called GreptimeDatabase. All you need to do in your SDK are implement it. You can find its Protobuf definitions here.

The service contains two RPC methods:

service GreptimeDatabase {
rpc Handle(GreptimeRequest) returns (GreptimeResponse);

rpc HandleRequests(stream GreptimeRequest) returns (GreptimeResponse);

The Handle method is for unary call: when a GreptimeRequest is received and processed by a GreptimeDB server, it responds with a GreptimeResponse immediately.

The HandleRequests acts in a "Client streaming RPC" style. It ingests a stream of GreptimeRequest, and handles them on the fly. After all the requests have been handled, it returns a summarized GreptimeResponse. Through HandleRequests, we can achieve a very high throughput of requests handling.


The GreptimeRequest is a Protobuf message defined like this:

message GreptimeRequest {
RequestHeader header = 1;
oneof request {
InsertRequests inserts = 2;
QueryRequest query = 3;
DdlRequest ddl = 4;
DeleteRequests deletes = 5;
RowInsertRequests row_inserts = 6;
RowDeleteRequests row_deletes = 7;

A RequestHeader is needed, it includes some context, authentication and others. The "oneof" field contains the request to the GreptimeDB server.

Note that we have two types of insertions, one is in the form of "column" (the InsertRequests), and the other is " row" (RowInsertRequests). It's generally recommended to use the "row" form, since it's more natural for insertions on a table, and easier to use. However, if there's a need to insert a large number of columns at once, or there're plenty of "null" values to insert, the "column" form is better to be used.


The GreptimeResponse is a Protobuf message defined like this:

message GreptimeResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
oneof response {AffectedRows affected_rows = 2;}

The ResponseHeader contains the response's status code, and error message (if there's any). The "oneof" response only contains the affected rows for now.

GreptimeDB has a lot of SDKs now, you can refer to them here for some examples.